How Well Does Professional Teeth Whitening Actually Work? Key Highlights Professional teeth whitening treatments use a higher concentration of bleaching agents compared to at-home kits, resulting in more noticeable and lasting results. The procedure is safe and...
Key Highlights Brushing Routine: Start brushing your child’s teeth with a soft-bristled brush and a tiny amount of fluoride toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice) as soon as their first tooth emerges. Flossing: Introduce flossing once a day when two teeth...
Have you ever had pain when you were having dinner? As you chew, every instance your teeth touch food or the opposing tooth you have a great deal of pain. If you have pain, there are a number of different dental problems that you could have been experiencing. One of...
Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars adults have erupt during their early twenties. Should these teeth have enough room in an individual’s mouth to erupt properly and oral hygiene maintained, wisdom teeth can provide function equally as long as other teeth. As...
Advanced dental treatments don’t have to take weeks to finish. Dr. Ryoo offers many same-day services to make sure patients can have convenient and effective treatment. These procedures offer patients a quicker return to daily life, restoring normal chewing and...